Fuji & Braeburn Apple
Plain Swallowtail Yogurt
w/ raw honey
Cider Bay Scallop Salad
Hard Shell Lobster
Cheese Plate
Glass of Mead
Happy Friday ! This week was a busy one and I am very glad to have the blog completely updated and back in order.... sometimes a couple days can fly by without the computer time being spent. Anyhow the weather was beautiful once again reaching into the mid 50's on my commute back into Portland after work. With so many leftovers on the menu this week I had a few extra dollars hanging around in my pocket so I decided to make a little special dinner for such a arduous week. The lobsters have been a bit on the pricey side for the last few months of the winter.... and it seems the price is still holding firm @ 5.99/# for hard shell chix. I picked up a couple one pounders and supplemented the dish with a half pound of fresh bay scallops. Once home and greeted by my loving girlfriend... I got the lobster pot going and proceed to concoct a dish with the scallops. First I sauteed some stuttgarter onions and german hardy garlic... (garlic supply running low, scapes coming just around the corner though !)... to that I added the rest of the winter spinach we had left... probably about 3-4 cups... add a splash of fermented cider and a tbs of honey butter. I then tossed the scallops with a spoonful of cider syrup and added that to the mix... searing on high heat for 2-3 minutes. On the side I sliced a little bit of Hahn's End Eleanor Carraway and Swallowtail Honey Havarti cheeses. A perfect meal to end my work week, Cassi on the other hand is just getting underway !
On the garden front I got my Fedco seed order in last week and am patiently awaiting their arrival. Ill give the varieties when they arrive... Im also currently gathering supplies to build a cold frame on our rooftop deck and finally got a couple types of spinach (space, bloomsdale) as well as a small container of arugula seeded. Tomorrow I will be making the trip down to the garden plot and tilling up the soil for the spring planting!
Transportation Today
Work Commute : 15 miles Bicycle
one splendid meal! Do you and Cassi eat any land based meat? Duck, chicken....
ReplyDeleteI'm raising organic backyard case that might be interesting to you...
David W.
Hi David... thanks for the comment and the link on the OG backyard ducks... at the moment we are strictly pescatarians. We are all for diversified farming and using animals to create a full circle farm, however I was a vegetarain for 10 years and decided that when I began to partake in flesh, it would be from species which I myself could find the nerve to catch process and consume. For most reasonable sized fish and crustaceans that is doable for me but as for birds... haven't got it in me just yet !
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer though, keep checking back in and feel free to leave comments whenever you get the urge !
I hear ya. Lisa has to actually do the hard part. I can pretty much take it from there and then she takes over again in the kitchen... See you on Facebook as well. Dave W.