Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 141 LocalrootZ Project (May 23, 2010)

Soured Goat Milk Whole Wheat Pancakes
w/ Frozen Berry Honey Puree
topped with Fresh Whipped Cream

Mmmm if that dont get you set for a busy day of painting and gardening I dont know what does...

some assorted lettuces that I transplanted today... also dropped a few mustard and kales out from the coldframe and into a container... figures Ill harden them off on these gentle 50˚ evenings and hope for the best
a birdseye view into the coldframe as well you can see my parsley has come strong this week as well as a single heirloom tomato plant that I took out do to lack of space...
the salad bowl grill....
a rooftop garden...

brew sippen with sketches flowing...
I was furiously working out some ideas for a "logo" as well as progressing with steps towards the next body of work that is currently in germination phase ! 

After all that hard work it was time to relax late night with Cassi home from work we kicked up our feet and watched a little "Parks & Recreation" on Hulu... and it was almost as good as the rhubarb crisp was !

Rhubarb Crisp
w/ Pureed Berries
and honey ice cream

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