Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 144 LocalrootZ Project (May 26, 2010)

Plain Swallowtail Yogurt
w/ honey

New Leaf Salad Mix
Sonnental Pepperjack Cheese
New Leaf Salad Mix
w/ Tomatoes & Rubykraut
Lobster & Butter Roasted Asparagus 

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
w/ Honey Ice Cream

Today was a wonderful day with very hot temps rising up into the high 80˚'s.  We decided we deserved a nice lobster dinner which would lead to a not only tasty but also quick dinner.  The less time I have to spend over a stove when the temps reach this hot the better.  Id say that is the one major downfall of living in the attic apartment... HOT HOT HOT !  Anyhow we spent a lil time at the Monument Square Farmers Market and purchased a handful of goodies; garlic, rhubarb, eggs as well as a handful of onion seedlings to get the garden plot fully planted...tonight.  Well that was the plan but after relaxing for a half hour to digest dinner we were then greeted to a temperature drop of 20˚'s in a half hour which created a windy fog induced sunset... keeping us close to home instead of making the trek down to uor garden plot.  With extra time on our hands I decided dessert had to be in the evenings agenda... I proceeded to whip up the strawberry rhubarb crisp that is sooo yummy yet so easy...

Here's how it goes...

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
1 Large Stalk of Rhubarb (Alewife Farm)
2 cups Strawberries (frozen from Stevenson's)
1/2 cup Honey (Tom's)
1 Stick Butter (Caldwell)
2 cups Rolled Oats (Aurora Mills)
1 tsp Sea Salt

Butter a 6 x 9 pan and remove outside stringy layer of the rhubarb...
slice in 1/2 inch pieces similar to  chopping celery.  Dump in buttered pan and add the strawberries as well.  In a mixing bowl combine honey, salt, and butter and beat with mixer.  Slowly add desired amount of oats and remeber to taste it to get the right oats to sweetness... to taste. Preheat oven to 425˚ or less if you dont want you crisp browned... bake for aprox 20-30 minutes.

Transportation Today
Work Commute : 22 miles bicycle

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